Tuesday 3 May 2011

Counting down!

Well - only 5 more sleeps and we're on our way.
We leave on Sunday morning - 5 of us from here in Wellington - and fly to Auckland where we are meeting the 6th member of our team.  Justine and Lissy and families are meeting us and we are going to Villa Maria Winery for lunch before returning to Airport for 6pm departure.
Annie - the seventh member is on her way as I write - to Dubai where she is going to stay with her cousin and is meeting up with us there.  Her cousin is an award winning photographer who wants to do a "photoshoot" of us old girls!!! I feel I will need considerable airbrushing!
OMG  now that's an interesting thought - WWIW ( what will I wear?)
I will just have to re-organise my clothes - yet again!
Betty has had a meltdown - she has just discovered that the zip on her bag is coming apart and last I talked to her she was pouring herself a stiff whisky and contemplating taking everything in a plastic bag!


  1. Hope you have all recovered from your flights and have experienced the wonders of Dubai architecture etc. Raining but warm here in Auckland - great weather for mushrooms not good for cross country training!

  2. Pigeon Post not working, eh? Hope all is well, we had a humdinger of a thunderstorm yesterday - clear skies and brisk southerly today! Winter has arrived. What bargains have you got, Jann, at the Nubian bazaar?

  3. We miss you Jann! A great boon to be able to keep up with you via this medium though :o)
